Manually Creating Optimized Windows Images for VMware Horizon VMs | VMware.

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- Vmware windows 10 image 



Vmware windows 10 image

  If you closed that console, you need to open it again before you can begin this exercise. Note : This procedure describes running the Horizon Agent installer in the guest operating system of a vSphere-based VM.  

Vmware windows 10 image -

  The only tricky part is getting a VM image for the virtual machine. If you need to get a Windows 10 VM image, you have one of two options. There is a new free VMware utility called Imager. This tool is able to fully automated way to build a clean Windows 10 VMs. That is where the concept of virtual machine steps in. You can actually download the ISO image of any operating system that you would want.    


- Free Windows Virtual Machine images | Scientific Computing | SciVision


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